Sunday, December 30, 2012

Faith-healing and law

   Faith -healing can harm people. The law ought to make it illegal for faith-healers to claim success, because they rely on misperception, not on science.They are trying to be as medical practioners without the authority. However, as a ritual we have to countenance it.
    How many people have they harmed? Many. Cases come up about faith-healing killing children. Their rights to health dominates over their parents'or custodians' right to  worship.
  What should the law say about faith-healers' practicing medicine?
  What do you suggest on how to  warn the public about faith -healing and exorcism?  

Televangelist Marilyn Hickey claims to work miracles for Pakistanis attending her prayer meetings | God Discussion

Televangelist Marilyn Hickey claims to work miracles for Pakistanis attending her prayer meetings | God Discussion

The NRA: oblivious and talking.

The NRA: oblivious and talking.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

What legal matters?

      This blog covers legal matters including civil rights and liberties, the Constitution, protections and other legal matters. It takes a liberal view.
       Please add your voice.
       It recognizes such as John Banhof against the tobacco liars and Ted Olson, defender of bi- and homosexual rights as conservatives for truth.
       We have implicit rights due to the Ninth and Tenth Amedments.
       It supports both the ACLU and - the police as our protectors.